Frequently Asked Questions
With Answers!
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Does Inflate-Your-Party have insurance?
Yes. We are fully insured and a copy of our policy remains with our rental units at all times
Are these inflatables safe?
Absolutly safe! We use one of the best manufacturing companies in the industry. Safety is our utmost concern. As with any product, and our children, we must make sure they are supervised at all times to ensure this safety!
Who will set up the inflatables?
We do. We will set up and take down. Our insurance policy will not allow the customer to do it themselves.
Is there a delivery charge?
No. Delivery is free within our service area.
What is your service area? How far will you deliver?

Can units be set up on pavement?
Yes. We use sandbags for securing the unit in this case.
Can units be set up next to a pool, or near a lake?
Sorry, we can not set up near any standing water of any size. We must also take into consideration other obstacles like overhead wires, branches, decks, children's play structures, etc.
Can units be set up on public property?
Yes. If the controlling agency needs to be added to our insurance it is a one time fee of $30.00.
How are the units powered?
Any standard 110v outlet within 100ft. of a unit will work. Don't have electricity that close? Need some extra power sources? We can help. Rent one of our generators for just $75.00 (includes 1 full tank of gas).
Can I keep the unit overnight?
Generally no... unless the event runs for more than one day. In that case we would return to clean, deflate, and secure the unit and set up again the next day.
What if the weather is not looking good for our event?
We understand Michigan weather. We are limited by rain and wind as to what is acceptable to set up in. We would like your event to be successful so we will stay in touch, watch the weather, and if possible set up when and if it clears off. You will never be charged if you are not able to use the equipment.
What if the kids don't have fun ?